Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Arrival in Trainings

We got our Samoan names today. I am Matoia (long sound over first A).

First full day in Samoa. WOW. Lots to learn and read! We got our language binders, volunteer, handbook,, and medical manual. I have no shortage of stuff to read:0 oh and speaking of medical, I have to get five more shots….yea!!..not..i think our medical officer knew I did not like shots by the face I made when I found out how many I still needed to have.

Heavy rains drenched or maybe I should say flooded the area today. It would rain super heavy for about 20-30 minutes and then stop and start and stop and start and stop. It is pouring rain as I write this.

It will be a challenge to keep my back from hurting. I haven’t run yet, but maybe tomorrow morning. I’ll run with another PC trainee. I did a little yoga today. One of the good things about the humidity is I don’t need to go in a hot room to do yoga—the humidity makes it feel almost like a baptiste room. One of our trainers (Kevin) is a yoga teacher in Samoa he has a web site…www.yogasamoa.com. I’m going to try and take one of his classes during our training.

Today was a day of telling us how much Samoa we would know by the end of our training, and how well we had to do to pass. I’m going to be needing extra extra help with the triple vowel, sounds. (‘aua = don’t). there is the horizontal line over the vowels sometimes to make a long sound. I don’t know how I’m going to type that. It seems impossible that I will know how to speak a paragraph and converse for 20 minutes by the end of the 9.5 weeks of training. It will be interesting because I’ve worked on finnish and French, but never got very far with them.

One thing that reminds me of Zimbabwe is the puffs of black smoke and bad smells from the busses.
picture is me in my lava lava...ohhhh aahhh..I just got another one from my White Sunday family.

I hope these blog entries will reflect how much samoan I’ve learned. Maybe I could even do a whole blog post in Samoan! (tofa = bye. Long sound on the O and A)


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