Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Boeing's 11 hours to island

It’s amazing to me how much power this Boeing 767 has—to lift a full jet off the ground..full of people and bags—a flying sardine can.

…time goes by…about a 10 hour flight

30 minutes from Apia, Samoa. Oh I’m excited!! Maybe a little tired. My personal definition of success (after completing the staging part of PC): people who are excited and want to dialogue about the work I’m doing. When I learn about samoans and they learn about me. When I can be comfortable sitting around talking about whatever. When people I work with define what success means to them and we start working in that direction.

I feel I have head knowledge of what this whole thing is going to be like, but I can’t know what it’s really going to be like.

I wonder about samoan’s idea of personal space. What is an “inconvenience?” I have a feeling it may be a little different than what I’m (Americans) used to. We’ve been told animals (dogs) are treated differently than in the US. And there might be some corporal punishment of children. L not sure if I’m ready for that yet.

What are the rules of engagement? We have traveled a long way in darkness…left LA about 11:30pm and arriving in Apia about 5am.

“Prepare for landing”…I usually see lights on the ground by now…no lights yet. Deboarding plane—into the humidity. ..reminds me of Zimbabwe. I see the men wearing lava lavas, the sniffer dogs…a drive to our hotel as the sun peeks over the pacific ocean.


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