Saturday, November 14, 2009

simple life is bumpy when capacity searches

in the pics: yoga by the sea (awesome); Italianos (a yummy pizza place); samoan tupe (money...very colorful); chicken and rice dinner made by me on samoan open fire.

Bumping along in the bus to apia. I see a dry river bed and think of my friend Michael, who likes to hike (as I do) up dry (or wet) rivers. Not enough hiking in samoa. Hopefully that can be remedied when I go home.

I was thinking about “development.” It seems to be such a complex process if you do it well. How my image of “kicking and screaming” puts it in perspective when thinking about samoa. It’s not a quick thing.

Lizards really like the new Weet Bix I got—the one with Manuka honey and coconut. There have already been two places chewed through the box. It does smell good.

I think I already posted about the book: The Gift by Hafiz. Here is some more.
Profound courage to never relinquish love
Come dance with me. It makes the body and spirit feel good
Lodges itself between one’s teeth. And stays there while you struggle to get it out.
Nothing evolves us like love. Can be a hard road.
Wonderful game. Games are fun.
Laugh…the purest sound.
Singing…it is needed.

Sunday’s feau (chore): seep room, mop room, clean water filter, spray bug killer everywhere. room is the cleanest it has ever been.

My family shot three of their dogs…I don’t think they want the female dogs to reproduce. I don’t think shooting is the best way. But they don’t ask me much of anything about what goes on in the family.

It’s still nice to listen to the ocean and the crickets. I won’t get this when I go home---which gets closer and closer.

Two weeks turn into one week school break.yucky.
I visit my family in lalomauga. Traveling. Can be an “every time adventure.”
I road in a car, bus, walked, taxi, and finally car. Coming back to my village I walked, car, bus, walk, bus, walk.

I’ve spent two years, struggling with sustainability—how to make change that will last after I am gone gone gone—back in America. I wonder how that translates to the work back in America. Well, here’s what I think: nonprofits operate best they can—that’s all that can be asked. Making a change to any system (organization or person) that is welcomed will want to continue. “capacity building” I guess is the technical term.

Another word study: capacity
capacity… Ability…capability… aptitude…faculty… competence…facility…power…gift…Talent…Knack…Skill

I’m not used to being “Loud” whenever I want something. My nature is to just do it. But in samoa it seems I need to be loud and act excited if I want something. That takes a lot of energy …I usually don’t have.

The simple life (in samoa): traveling shorter distances (to work—teachers usually teach in their own village). No rush; tomorrow is another day. Vocabulary…a small vocabulary. As the vocab increases, the complexity of life seems to increase. One thing at a time; no multitasking here. (ALTHOUGH, I was talking to a friend who lives in apia. He said that his family does not eat dinner, but eats as they do other things…sounds like multitasking).


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