superfat tattoos will travel with shepherd
in the pics: people; a blast from camp kilwanalong past (thanks kathleen); my german friend aaron; my samoan mom and ina; three handsome boys before white sunday service.
Diary of a superfat dinner: fried pig (no fat removed), dipped in generous dollops of mayonnaise (with a little hot sauce), taro and yams in coconut cream sauce. Bread with butter and coco cola. I guess a Mexican combo platter might have the same fat content???
“Your most hurtful pain is also your most powerful action.” From a book called The Shack. I like it. I’m not done with it.
Simple words in a definition; no circular definitions; one or two example sentences. This is the type of dictionary I look for after bouncing around samoa for two years. The simple word.
I was talking to a man from the ICT (information and communications technology) office in Samoa. “I had no other option other than computers (for a job).” It’s hard for me to think in terms of “only option”. I guess I have a lot of privilege that I don’t think about. Is that the right word? I’ve had a lot of opportunity. What am I doing with that opportunity?
The tattoo page…wow…my first tattoo is uma (finished). On permanently—forever. But I like it. I wish I recorded the taptaptaptap of the Samoan tattooing instrument. Only red pen today—make quiz corrections quickly.i chose a taulima—a simple band—because simple is better (for me) and I can always add more later—MUCH harder to take away.
Here is a psalm I wrote for my small group:
The Lord is my shepherd. I will not want.
The Lord is my starlight in the dark of night.
When despair closes in I will not fight.
Strong is the lord with the power to crush.
Any evil that cometh out of the brush.
The Lord is my shepherd, a strong hand to hold tight.
Through the jungle of frustration will he be my sight.
Long days, long night, the Lord’s work is good.
Do not tire; today or tomorrow.
The Lord is my shepherd.
In him I will take refuge.
On days that are tiring God sends reminders he is near.
A jumping fish. Star drops in the sky.
I will not forget. God walks with me.
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