Thursday, October 16, 2008

walking for life in a protected area

in the pics: the teachers recently had a bbq party. it was good fun, and lots of bbq chicken!

I’m laying in bed on a Sunday afternoon, tummy is full, everybody is sleeping and I realized I’m wearing sandals wherever I walk—except for the 30 minutes I walk in the mornings before school. Wearing shoes seems so restricting now…and a distant memory.

Along the shoe wearing line, I participated in the Walk 4 Life yesterday. It even made the evening news—I didn’t see me though. This was a last minute kind of thing for me, I’m walking towards the PC office with not much to do kind of thing. I see Donna and she asks if I want to do the walk. Why not? I like to walk. It’s a fundraiser for an organization that works to prevent suicide. Something close to my heart. I don’t know how much money they raised. After the walk they had hot dogs, sausages, and bbq beef for everyone. I got to Tafau with two other PC volunteers too. After that Mike and I walked to the Friday dinner group—this time at a Chinese place called Chopsticks. The ginger onion chicken—very yummy. I was the youngest person at the dinner table.. I guess maybe It’s a dinner for “older people”, but they welcomed me to join. I just don’t like always going out to drink beer and listen to really loud Samoan music. I think there also may be some good work/PC related connections in the group. I learned from Someone there might be a new computer lab coming to a primary school a few villages from where I live—the same village that I help with a reading program. That would be great, but then three computer labs I look after.

I read the proposal for Tafagamanu’s protected area (in the ocean). The rules state: 1) no fishing inside. 2) no rubbish in protected area. 3) no crossing through, by boat or swimming. I love to swim around the protected area.


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