Monday, August 18, 2008

morning sounds cause rough swimming

in the pics: some of my year 11 students in the computer room. One student was drawing world flags in MSPaint. The others were typing in TyperShark. I think this was after a quiz, and my rule is students can use whatever program they want (including the games I have) after a quiz.

Morning sounds coming to my ears…the distant roar of the ocean. I want to swim, but have to go eat breakfast and put my school clothes on. The shrill chirp of the birds about in the trees. The faint rooster rousing late risers. It is 7am and I’m sitting on some concrete steps leading down into the ocean. Maybe the time that has past does not do this description justice. I’m writing this a t 10pm, after dinner, and a shower, and my mind turns to sleep.

New samoan words: sou (rough) and malu (calm) as in rough seas (sou sami) and calm seas (malu sami). I went swimming yesterday…awesome, but the water was really sloshy and the tide was going out, so swimming back to shore made slow progress, but I saw my five legged blue star fish that always seems to spy me from the most unsuspecting spots.

Ok….a few ((late)) blog entries, because I haven’t formally written in my journal since June 20. it has been my purple book and directly from my mind into the MSWord blog file.


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