Saturday, September 13, 2008

fun with busses eats quesadillas

pics: family siva ...but the lighting situation was very bad. They even got me dancing..but ha ha ha no pictures of that;)
Erik making quesadillas...yummy cheesy goodness!

Here I sit in the staff room at school, writing in my journal, smelling the lovely food smells (likely to be mackerel), listening to the large rain drops splash the puddles outside. The rain is hard (malosi le timu). Remembering the (sweet, delicious, mouth watering) palagai food that went in my mouth this weekend. Friday night: tuna stir fry. Sunday: farmers breakfast omlet with left over stirfry. Dinner: spaghetti with secret sauce (sauce, sausage, garlic, onions, green peppers, simmer time). It needed more simmer time and some oregano. Saturday I was invited to Erik’s for some quesadillas (it’s probably bad that I’m writing—and thinking about good food when I haven’t eaten dinner yet). I think Erik has the system down pat for making dough that’s not boingy when rolled out flat—Crisco and very hot water. Let’s just say that it was melt in my mouth cheesey, chicken, salsa, sour cream goodness. He also made some salsa. We had lots of cheese, and sour cream. Add the after dinner dark chocolate peppermint twist and you can wash it down with some beer in the blue and gold can. Yummy is the word.

Now to the bus situation…on Monday mornings. Usually, the Lefaga bus comes up the Aleisa road—the road I was waiting on at 6am. Today, the first bus decided to take the long way. I passed the spot where I waited for 2 hours in the second bus at 11am. Lack of reliable and consistent bus schedule is a big irritation in Samoa. I got to watch the pink and orange light sunrise peek out through the clouds. Not a total loss.

When I go to apia I usually have very important business (VIB). Not all the VIB was accomplished. Fix Don Bosco’s computers (no), get Wikipedia offline version (no), print list of stock tips (yes), get NZ lonely planet book *(yes) I want to visit NZ in December with another PCV. Get magazines for a teacher (yes), pickup bottom bracket replacement and correct tools for my bike (yes and no—the no is that a little later I try to replace it and find out that I’m still missing a tool…grrrrrrr…). I wish I had my set of bike tools in samoa, buy heavy duty permanent black pens for the world map (yes), print pics of my samoan family’s fale (no—I got to apia too late on Friday), buy super glue to fix my Birkenstocks (yes—it works really well), watch Batman First night (no—ate quesadillas instead, a good trade I think), update blog and upload pics (yes—on a friends broadband wireless connection…ahhhh soooo nice).

Another fun day with the busses. I stayed with a friend that lives on the route my bus to Lefaga takes, except for this morning. I was on the road at 6:30am. Many busses pass, none headed to Lefaga. So I finally ask a couple if I could get a lift with them into town. And five hours later i am passing the same spot I waited for two hours, on the way to lefaga. Another late start to a Monday. The food during the weekend was very good though. I’m not actually sure if I already wrote about this....consisting of spaghetti, quesadillas, and ???i I forgot...ha ha hah....I’ve had some beer, full tummy. Easy easy tele to sleep. Mayby i just want to ramble to my cyberspace audience. Now you can explain what cyberspace means...

I was reading the Samoa youth policy 2000-2010. it talked about suicide. One the university students i help told me sometimes he just wants to disappear, but is glad he had friends like me. I just listened. I didn’t know i make that big of an impact. I just like to help and play some good music. He and i seem to have a lot in common.


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