Saturday, March 07, 2009

time magazine's midservice asks big questions

pics from last year: two year12 students holding the nets used to fish for pololo--a very small white/clearish very salty worm(?) that only comes out of hiding once a year, a big event; two year12 students in the middle of rugby kicking; matthew and the science teacher during the end of year bbq (I think) having fun, acting foolish...having fun lots of food.

Our peace corps group 79 had the mid-service conference. The safety and security officer made a comment about the “threat environment in Samoa.” …hmmmm…the only threats I feel are the dogs that want to eat me, and looking out for the next joke from my vice principal…ha ha ha…ho ho ho…he he he…hu hu hu
There will not be another “computer teacher” ICT group coming to samoa. Group 81 was the last. This means there will not be anyone replacing me. that’s too bad, considering there is currently no samoan teacher teaching computers, or even working with me. the next groups will be (certified?) English teachers for primary schools. That is a good step. Get the teachers who do the teaching. We also talked about “counterparts” and “sustainable” projects. It seems it is very hard to make teaching computers sustainable, but I have a feeling when the samoans deem it necessary, it will happen in the snap of the fingers. The real time is not yet. I am teaching years 9,10,11,12 computers this year. That is a lot. Samoa has text books for maths, science, business studies, English, etc. samoa does not have a text book for computer studies. I’m working on my own version for my school. Another PC volunteer is trying to help the government put one together. I’d be surprised if one gets completed before my two years are done.

One of the volunteers in our group is working at a “private” school, and seems to enjoy his work, and has a lot of work to keep him busy. Private school: one person has complete ownershipàleading to more motivation to “get things done.” Government school: who owns this? Less motivation to “get anything done”

Notes from reading Time Magazine, Dec29-Jan5…Obama…he possesses a rare ability to read the imperatives and possibilities of each new moment and organize himself and others to anticipate change and translate it into opportunity.
“a presidential campaign is like an MRI of the soul.”
Good nose for talent…hire really good people…hire the smartest people…low tolerance for nonsense/turf battles…send that message clearly…people generally want to do the right thing… “it is important to carve out time to think and not spend the entire day reactive.”

Big questions…what is my work?...where is my love?...who makes me laugh?...when do I play?...why is the sky blue?...why Andrew?...


Blogger Barb Carusillo said...

That is interesting that there will be no more computer teacher help coming through Peace Corp. Since the language of the computer is all English, it does make sense to get folks proficient in English before attempting to teach them such a language heavy skill.

8:53 PM  

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