Saturday, November 29, 2008

a true astorian...oregon that is

I lived in Astoria, OR for 5 years. Here is a list of ...
You're a true Astorian when...

1. You know who Larry Lockett is
2. You call drunk driving looping
3. You've smoked at the cliff
4. You know what sea lions sound like
5. You've been to the brick house
6. You've hung out at Dairy Queen
7. You started drinking at a young age
8. You love Willis Van Dusen
9. You prefer Pepsi to Coke
10. You refer to your parents by their first names
11. The Goonies is one of your favorite movies
12. You own multiple hoodies
13. You used to go to school drunk or high
14. You graduated from high school with a surprisingly high GPA even though you can't remember doing any work
15. You've hung out at club FM
16. You've smoked on Wireless
17. You hate the Seaside Seagulls
18. You love to fish
19. You enjoy hunting
20. You knew everyone you went to school with for practically your whole life
21. You know everyone from Astoria within 5 years of you
22. You're friends with everyone from Astoria that has a facebook
23. You're a Fishermen Fanatic
24. You know every cop in town
25. You've climbed the column too many times to count
26. You remember when there was no round about
27. You used to buy your groceries at Hauke's
28. You never even noticed that there was no Blockbuster.. Video Horizons has every movie you could ever want
29. You had to ride in the bus for a minimum of 2 hours for every away sporting game.. (except the Clatsop Clash)
30. You remember when the basketball team won state back in '98
31. You think that every time it snows or hails school should be cancelled.. even if it doesn't stick
32. You know everyone that lives in the town
33. You have gotten to Freddies at 5am on the day after Thanksgiving to buy your socks half price
34. You have Steve Roman's number on speed dial in case you get in trouble
35. You always said you couldn't wait to get out of Astoria, but you still live there or go back often.
36. The first alcohol you ever drank was HRD
37. You or one of your best friends has been busted for a MIP or DUI.. or both
38. You honestly believe that Fultanos is the best pizza in the world
39. You've had an Ernie burger
40. You have heard Mr. Neil play the tuba.. haha
41. The only thing you read in the Daily A is the "On the Record"
42. You've been on a serpentine
43. You know what a hill rat is
44. You've egged/been egged at Peter Pan on Halloween
46. You have a KMUN bumper sticker on your car.
47. You've played hide-and-go-seek at midnight at Battery Russell.
48. You've purchased incense at Bach-n-rock.
49. You have the St. Mary's Rummage Sale marked on your calendar.
50. You dress up in a Scandinavian costume at least once a year.
51. You occasionally slip up and say "uff-da!"
52. You've thrown popcorn at Sneak (not Snake) at "Shanghaied in Astoria."
53. When you really have had to walk uphill both ways to get somewhere.
54. You know what the Mr. K's special is at Ship Inn.
55. You know the color of a Star-of-the Sea uniform.
56. You wonder what "intimate skin-to-skin contact" is.
57. You can sing a Brownsmead Flats song.
58. You know the difference between a regular slug and a banana slug.
59. You know at least five different words for "rain."
60. You've been sledding on 8th St.
If you have anything to add please do!


Blogger Astoria Bulletin said...

I have one! You are a true Astorian if you know what "roller coaster hill " is!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I must not be completely true Astorian!
Funny stuff...saw this on MySpace a few years ago. :)
Do ya ever miss Clatsop County?

6:17 PM  

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