Saturday, April 25, 2009

Tattoo of my aerobics, with a side of mutton flaps

in the pics: cricket is in full "swing" at our school. the boys have played 3 games, and won three games. I guess kids on our team are good. I know two have played internationally. it's exciting. i have not watched them play in a game.

My village has started an exercise/aerobics program…Monday, Wednesday, and Friday in the late afternoon. Every time I ride by on my bike they “grab” me to teach them some moves…well, not that I have any good moves. There are kids, and senior citizens, but very few young adults and middle-aged people. We need to get some new music for the dancing. I have some music that might be just the thing. And yea for friends in America who send me web sites with good aerobics information and give me dance CDs.

I write my emails in Microsoft Word, and by the time I get to the internet, I have no emotion of the email, just a copy-and-paste-send thing…very time delayed.

I feel different—I'm not caught up writing my thoughts down on paper. For me—that’s important. Tonight—I bought 6lbs of mamoe (mutton flaps) home today. Everyone is happier when there is enough food. I shared some cocoa samoa with one of the teachers, a time to sit back and do nothing…and then my type A personality kicked in again and I went for a swim around the giant clam’s protected area (fa’asua).

I’ve started drawing tattoo designs (in the back of this diary). I guess I want some inspiration—re: what kind of tattoo for me. I want to be part of the “tag and release” club of Samoa.


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