to love more in a "value added" world
in the pics: a picture of a yellow samoan flower and flag at my school; food food glorious food: I stayed at a friend's house (a palagi) and made crepes and lamb curry...yummy in my tummy;) i don't get that very often.
I read the “PC Improvement and Expansion Act of 2009” a very good idea. But as a read recently…ideas are easy, implementation is hard.
“the act of volunteering has inherent value.” Yes yes yes.
“…to promote world peace and friendship by helping…”
“meeting the basic needs…” sometimes I wonder if teaching computers is really a “basic” need…well I guess in the future it will be a ‘basic’ need if computers are going to be everywhere and all the time.
“how the PC can utilitize information technology to improve—program efficiency, effectiveness, and coordination and communication among volunteers.” …sounds like something I would want to do…as a job after pc..just a thought.
“…in which they have maximum value-added for the host country.” Palagi wording …value-added I mean.
2012…$700,000,000…that’s a lot of money we’re talking about..but I wonder if the PC budget would ever get close to the military’s budget.
Today at a staff meeting my principal told the staff there are two SROs (I think they are like the principal’s direct supervisor) and a palagi (a white person) from NZ are coming to our school to observe us in action—using new techniques from NZ. I think her exact words were “we’ll give these things from NZ a try.” Should be interesting.
I finished another book: the Gift; by Hafiz…cool poems. Here are a few pieces I like:
What is the root of all these words?
One thing: love.
But a love so deep and sweet
It needed to express itself
With scents, sounds, colors
That never before existed.
The heart is a thousand string instrument.
Our sadness and fear come from being
Out of tune with love.
The heart is
The thousand stringed instrument
That can only be tuned with Love.
The wise man learns what draws God near.
It is the beauty of compassion
In your heart.
God wants to see
More love and playfulness in your eyes
For that is your greatest witness to him.
When all your desires are distilled
You will cast just two votes:
To love more,
And be happy.
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