Thursday, December 21, 2006

sending off your computer in may?

Since last post...
1. I've been to a peace corps send off..lots of yummy food and I got to hear returned volunteers and nominated volunteers say their name and where they are going /have been. That was inspiring!

2. I told my recruiter she could nominate me for a position to start may 2007 in latin america, but it was we'll try this one:
Departure: September 2007>>Africa>>Program: Secondary Education IT Teachers. PCVs are placed at Teacher >training Colleges or secondary schools where they will conduct computer >education classes for students and staff.

Friday, December 01, 2006

got nomination?

1. I've been doing a few information interviews of RPCV(returned peace corps volunteers). They all seem to be saying that people are the same wherever they are...all the same things are involved, and building support is key.

2. I got an email from my recruiter asking if I wanted to be nominated for a may2007 position. I said that seems to early. I don't want to go until later in 2007..oct/nov/ I guess I'll be waiting a bit more.

3. PC still feels so far away, but reading those stories in the book and it gets a little closer. I love stories!